

写真: 夕闇迫る八代駅前。

写真: 明八橋を渡るバス。 写真: レトロな雰囲気のバスターミナル。

夕闇迫る八代駅前。八代の名物が凝縮された一枚です。晩白柚に五家荘、工場の煙突にカッパ、そして八代海に沈む夕日。八代は絵になる場所が沢山です。また出掛けてみようと思います。Twilight approaches JR Yatsushiro Station.It has been condensed specialty of Yatsushiro in this photo.Banpeiyu. This is the biggest citrus in Japan."Gokanosho" autumn leaves beautiful.Gokanosho is a place where the samurai clan that was defeated in battle was settled.Factory chimney. Yatsushiro industrial city. Chimney of the paper mill is towering.The are drawn to the bus Kappa. Kappa is monster transmitted from ancient times.Kappa it has reportedly landed in Japan from Yatsushiro.Last is sunset.Sunset over the Yatsushiro Sea is very beautiful.I want to recommend if there is a chance to visit Japan.Yatsushiro has many beautiful places. Also I want to go to the shooting. #熊本 #バス #産交バス #カッパ #八代 #sunset #SONY #a58 #bus #landscape #kumamoto #RAW #japan #lightroom #trip #travel #33fan DSC06989-4

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  • 裕2525

    黄昏の空 ナイスショットです。

    2015年12月16日 02:47 裕2525 (106)
