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写真: COCORO運転開始!

写真: 停車場のCOCORO。 写真: 狸が見守る、夜の洗馬橋電停。

COCORO運転開始!本日10月3日(金)、JR九州の車両や駅舎デザインを多数手がける水戸岡鋭治さんがデザインした熊本市電の新車両「COCORO」の運転が開始されました。自分も早速撮影に出掛けてきました!やはり初日というだけあってお客さんも多かったんでしょうか、約20分ほど遅れてCOCOROは熊本駅前に到着。市電沿線にはカメラやスマートフォンを持った人たちが多数詰めかけていたそうです。通町筋のびぷれす前では歓迎の旗も振られていたとか。今日の熊本はCOCORO一色の1日でした。COCOROは平日の運行本数は定めず、土曜は健軍〜上熊本のB系統を、日曜は健軍〜田崎橋のA系統を運行。それぞれ6〜8往復の予定。ダイヤは毎日午前9時頃交通局のサイトに掲載予定だそうです。COCOROはJR九州で運行されている豪華寝台列車「ななつ星」の路面電車版とも言える車両。料金は全線一律150円です。皆様もぜひ乗ってみてください(n‘∀‘)η October 3, New vehicle debut in Kumamoto City Transportation Bureau. Eiji Mitooka has worked many design of station building and train of JR Kyushu has been designed.I have also went to shoot immediately. Many passengers in the first day of debut, the new vehicle arrived at JR Kumamoto station tram stop twenty minutes late.People who have a smartphone and camera had been many sights tram railroad. This is the case had welcomed the new vehicle.Banner of welcome also seems to have been swung in downtown.Kumamoto today was the day that was excited in the topic of the new vehicle COCORO.It is operated lot on weekdays.To the operation of Route B Kengun machi- JR Kamikumamoto station Saturday. To operation the A root of Kengun machi- Tasakibashi Sunday.The operation of 6-8 round trip each Saturday and Sunday.The schedule will be announced on the website of Kumamoto City Transportation Bureau at 9:00 am every day.New vehicles COCORO is a vehicle that can be called trams version of Nanatsuboshi that are operated by JR Kyushu. It's a luxury vehicle, but fare is 150 yen whole line. It is perfect to explore the city. #kumamoto #tram #HDR #snapseed #downtown #japan #fujifilm #photograph #train #travel #trip #railway #kyushu #vehicle #COCORO DSCF9796_71

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